Headed East
We packed up the car, rounded up our pup and headed out one early morning in mid October. We drove through hills, past a nuclear power plant, and over many rivers. We drove east as far as you can go in Tennessee, and in Tennessee that means landing in the arms of the Appalachian mountains.

I haven't been up to these mountains as much as I'd like lately. I've felt too busy and thought it too decadent to carve the time. Being here reminds me that I can never be too busy for this and if it is decadence, then it is a decadence my soul needs.

My well begins to be refilled here. I don't need a structure constructed by human hands to experience the spiritual. I understand that every time I'm in the forest. Especially these forests. I feel close to the beginning and reconnected to things that mean life for me. I find my spirituality here.

We walked miles through rhododendron filled pathways and had our breath taken at every turn when the view would open up to show us the expanse.

It was so good to be home.
Where do you go to fill your creative well? Is it a place, a book, a listening experience? I'd love to hear from you~
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